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GROUP EXHIBITION  | August 1st - September 30th, 2024

Group Exhibition currently on view | Join us in Montlake through September to view new glasswork by Philadelphia based artist, Amber Cowan, new paintings by Korean artist, Yool Kim,  paintings by Los Angeles based artist, Jeff Peters, xylography by Montreal based artist, Jerome Poirier, multi media work by San Francisco based artist, Peter Combe,  among others. 

The gallery was proud to debut work by renowned artist, Amber Cowan at the Seattle Art Fair this year and we welcome you to view some of her latest work in our gallery.  Cowan's sculptural glasswork is based around the use of recycled, upcycled, and second-life American pressed glass. She uses the process of flameworking, hot-sculpting and glassblowing to create large-scale sculptures that overwhelm the viewer with ornate abstraction and viral accrual. With an instinctive nature towards horror vacui, her pieces reference memory, domesticity and the loss of an industry through the re-use of common items from the aesthetic dustbin of American design. The primary material used for her work is glass cullet sourced from scrap yards supplied by now defunct pressed glass factories as well as flea-markets, antique-stores and donations of broken antiques from households across the country.


'And The Birds Were Not Singing About The Past'

Solo Exhibition, JUNE 6th - July 31st 

Hall Spassov Gallery is proud to present the latest work by artist, Jeff Peters.   The artist has turned his attention to landscapes, painting them from memory, referencing childhood photographs and utilizing AI.

'My father gave me a camera when I was young and my first real photos were of the golf course we grew up on in Fullerton California. The golf course was sort of a faux version of nature at its finest, rolling hills fall into valleys where morning fog would sit, river that would bulge at the slightest of rain, oak trees planted in prime locations to enhance a morning sunrise.' -Peters

APRIL | MAY 2024

Group Exhibition 

After a nearly six year hiatus from our brick and mortar operation we have arrived in the Montlake neighborhood of Seattle.  Our new location is a clear departure from the large "white box" space we previously occupied.  Montlake is predominately a residential neighborhood and as such the gallery, while clearly a commercial space, has a warmth more akin to a home.  We designed and built the space with our own hands and are now happy to share it with you.